Industrial Tyre Association Makes Best Practice Plea
The Industrial Tyre Association (ITA) has called for more action to reduce the risks of making false economies when it comes to fitting industrial tyres. Len Sambrook, ITA chair explained: “When money is tight it can be tempting to buy cheap tyres or to delay replacing worn ones. But tyres are such an integral part of a forklift or industrial truck that by taking responsibility and following strict standards of specification and fitting of tyres users can significantly reduce the lifetime cost of the machine. Most of the time economies made around tyres are false economies in the long run.”
ITA points out that tyres are often the most overlooked part of a truck. But specifying the right type of tyre can affect the lifting, stability and braking distances of an industrial truck, as well as improve its fuel economy. The use of an inferior product will severely impact not only the truck’s performance but also the health and safety of the operator.