Bald Tyres Fitted to 11% of Vehicles in US – Survey
It’s time for another dose of dismal news, but at least we can take comfort that we’re not the only motoring nation guilty of tyre safety apathy. In the US the results of a Rubber Manufacturers Association survey of more than 7,000 vehicles has shown at least 11 per cent of motorists to be driving on at least one bald tyre. This latest statistic backs up similar RMA findings from the March to May period of this year, in which an inspection of more than 5,400 vehicles revealed only nine per cent of vehicles to have four properly inflated tyres, and half of all vehicles to have at least one under inflated tyre. Furthermore, 19 per cent of vehicles had at least one tyre under inflated by at least 8 psi.
“In this bad economy, drivers may be delaying necessary vehicle maintenance to save costs,” said RMA president and CEO Charles Cannon. “But that delay may cost you more dearly if worn out tyres lead to a crash with injuries or fatalities. Your tyres literally keep your vehicle attached to the road. Bald tyres are dangerous because they cannot grip the road properly, they increase stopping distances and can contribute to skidding or loss of vehicle control.”
Tyre pressure, the RMA recommends, should be checked every month and before long trips. To properly check tyre pressure, motorists should check tyres when cold and use the vehicle manufacturer’s recommended pressure.