Goodyear to Start Danville Layoffs in March
The USW approved an agreement with Goodyear that would put the tyremaker’s Danville plant on eight-hour work shifts, five days a week, and offer 200 buyouts to qualified employees. Over 400 Goodyear employees will be losing their jobs between buyouts and layoffs, a Goodyear spokesperson said. More than 2,400 people work at the plant, which is Danville’s largest employer. According to a letter to employees, the truck side of the plant will be realigned to three eight-hour shifts, five days a week. Currently, the plant operates seven days a week, 24 hours per day, on 12-hour shifts.
In addition, the furlough that had been postponed from 21-28 February has been rescheduled to 21-28 March. There will be another furlough 3-9 August. The new operating schedule will start when employees return to work after the March furlough. The earliest layoffs will not be effective until March 23. Employees who want the buyout package – which offers $2,000 per year, up to $40,000, to employees between the ages of 53 and 55 with at least 28 years of service at the plant – must apply by 5 March. Salaried employees are not eligible for buyouts, but salaried positions will be cut, company officials said. Those employees will be eligible for the Supplemental Compensation Benefit Plan. Salaried position cuts will be announced by 20 March. (Tire Review/Akron)