BorgWarner Expands in Hungary
Reducing fuel consumption and pollutant emissions plays a major role in the automotive industry. In response to these demands and to increasing European demand for turbochargers, BorgWarner Turbo & Emissions Systems has enlarged its facility in Oroszlány , Hungary.
Among the company and government officials attending the recent inauguration ceremony in the town (situated 80 km from Budapest) were Roger Wood, President and General Manager of BorgWarner Turbo & Emissions Systems, the American Ambassador April Foley, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy Géza Egyed and plant manager Kornél Schmidt. Thanks to rapid growth in the turbocharger industry and to the successful co-operation with numerous customers a new hall was built, covering an area of 4650 m2. The increased total space is now 13.500 m2 and 600 people are currently employed.
In the plant the company produces turbochargers for about 50 different passenger car models. The capacity was raised from 50,000 turbochargers in 2001 to around 1.5 million turbochargers in several steps.