Deldo Offers UK Customers 20 Years of Local Sales Experience
As Pavle Krstic and Bart Kinneging approach four years of working together as Deldo’s UK sales team, the leading Belgian wholesaler is highlighting the pair’s “very successfully” performance selling tyres in Great Britain and Ireland. With almost 20 years of experience in the UK market they can support and customised advice.
The main tool they have in the very competitive (budget) market is of course the Wanli and Sunny brands. Currently Wanli offers more than 200 car, van, SUV, 4×4 and truck sizes. The new Wanli S1063 is already described as a best seller in the UK and Ireland. In addition the company can offer a wide range of premium names thanks to its unique stock of 2.5 million tyres, with weekly deliveries.