Tyre Retailers Encouraged to Support Tyre Safety Month
Plans are well advanced for the first ever UK-wide tyre safety campaign, being organised by TyreSafe, the industry’s leading tyre safety organisation. The campaign is already said to have gained support from “all major tyre companies and tyre retailers.” The campaign will kick off on the 1st October and will run through the whole of the month. The campaign will focus on the important part that tyres play in road safety, and one of the key messages of the month long initiative will be under inflation and how this can impact on safety, fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.
Independent tyre retailers, garages and franchise dealers are being encouraged by TyreSafe to offer their customers free tyre safety and pressure checks. According to TyreSafe, almost 25 per cent of cars and vans on the roads in the UK have at least one badly worn or illegal tyre and tyre safety checks are an excellent way for retailers to encourage motorists to visit their premises. Many dealers are set to take advantage of the promotional material, featuring Channel 5 Fifth Gear motoring programme presenter Vicki Butler-Henderson, including posters and leaflets now available to download from the TyreSafe website at www.tyresafe.org.