39 per cent of Saudi Car Crashes Caused By Worn Tyres
The illegal Saudi Arabian worn tyre trade is reportedly thriving despite the implementation of deterrent fines. According to an Arab News report that quote official statistics, used tyres cause 39 per cent of car accidents in the country every year. The people involved in such accidents said to be generally families travelling at high speeds in their cars on tyres they believe are safe. The lack of awareness of the importance of tyre safety in the region is exemplified by the fact that several media reports have been needed to warn drivers of the risk of using second hand worn tyres, or factory-rejected new tyres.
“The summer is the most important season for us, since tyres get damaged as a result of high temperatures,” said Mohamed Thabet, a Yemeni worker at a local tyre shop. Stacked on the wall of his shop were used tyres for sale — some of them so worn that frayed strands of fibre can be seen in patches, Arab News reported.