Omega 3000 Extruder
Marangoni Retreading Systems has presented the Omega 3000, the latest version of its extruder for high quality hot retreading. Over the last few years the hot retreaded tyre market has become increasingly focused on the quality of the end product. In the building of retreaded tyres with hot retreading technology, quality is obtained by using compounds that are increasingly similar to new tyres and by applying the materials with precision, in terms of both quantity and distribution.
That’s why medium-sized retreading firms (producing 60-80 tyres per day) require a machine able to extrude “difficult” compounds, which is rapid, dependable, accurate and can be used on a wide range of tyre sizes.
Marangoni Tread introduced a modern extruder, the Omega, designed for the hot retreading market in 2003. Since then, the Omega has been continually updated in order to meet the needs of retreading firms and has become well established on the main European markets: France, Spain, UK and Italy.
Marangoni Tread has now produced the Omega 3000, considerably improved in many ways with respect to the first version. Updates include:
– Precision: the previous circumference and tyre profile measuring device has been replaced with a laser technology instrument.
– Rapid and simple use: software improvements have made it possible to increase process automation and to make machine operation more user friendly;
– Extrudable tyre size range: the previous 15-24 inch range has been widened to the new 13-25 inch range;
– Throughput: even when extruding “difficult” compounds, there is no reduction in machine throughput.