Negative Praise For Tyremaker
As the World Economic Forum got underway in the Swiss resort town of Davos, Swiss globalisation opponents held their own ‘Public Eye’ awards, in which companies they have identified as being environmentally or socially irresponsible were given an “award” in recognition. This year tyremaker Bridgestone was the recipient of one such award.
The company was bestowed the ‘Public Eye Global Award’ for working conditions on its rubber plantation in the West African nation of Liberia. The award organisers have claimed that conditions on this plantation are akin to that of slavery, and have been so for the past 80 years.
Alfred Brownell, president of the non-government organisation Green Advocates, whose partner organisations in the US nominated the Japanese tyre manufacturer for the award, is reportedly delighted by “this important signal that the culture of impunity is finally at an end.”
Bridgestone has not commented on their reaction to the dubious distinction of being granted a Public Eye award.