Stapletons Delivers Tyre Safety Message
Stapletons recently embarked on a series of seminars outlining the important role of tyres in road safety. Representatives of the Letchworth-based wholesale business recently delivered a presentation at a regional meeting of the Institute of Advanced Motorists in Worcester, pointing out key facts on construction, tyre design, pressures, treads and legislation.
The presentation also explained the impact of tread depth on stopping distances and correct pressures on road handling, reinforcing Stapletons’ calls for the law to be changed and 3mm tread to be the legal minimum. IAM members are said to have been impressed and Stapletons has since been invited to further similar events.
“We’ve been in discussions with the Institute for some time on presenting the facts about tyre safety,” said a Stapletons spokesman. “As a leading player in the tyre industry we are keen to play our part and to promote awareness. We’re pleased to have presented our information to Institute members and we look forward to taking part in many such meetings in the future.”
IAM’s David Shenton confirmed that the presentation gave an insight into the safety aspects of tyres and encouraged members’ awareness. “We had around 30 members on the day, all keen to learn about the part that tyres can play in road safety and safe driving,” he said. “Stapletons’ presentation went down extremely well and generated a great deal of discussion.”