TIC: ‘Part Worn Tyres a Cause for Concern’
The sale of part-worn tyres is still a cause for concern, the Tyre Industry Council has reported. These concerns are backed-up by the environmental protection services at Glasgow City Council who found in checks at tyre dealerships, that a high percentage of the second-hand tyres checked did not meet the legal requirements and therefore could have posed a risk to an un-suspecting motorist.
Recent standard checks carried out by officers from Glasgow City Council on 12 second-hand dealers in Glasgow revealed that 38 per cent of the part worn tyres on sale did not comply with the regulations. Glasgow City Council believes this number is likely to be reflected across the UK.
According to the TIC part-worn tyres could be potentially dangerous, many have little more that the minimum legal requirement of 2mm of tread and so pound for pound they offer very poor value for money.
Councillor David Stevenson, convener of the City Council’s Environmental Protection Services said: “We don’t believe Glasgow’s results will be any different from other major UK cities. That means there are an awful lot of people driving around in unsafe vehicles. It’s very worrying. We’ve taken appropriate action on all those who were breaking the law. This should also go out as a warning to those we did not test to make sure they are selling safe products.”