Has Your Battery Got A Touch of the Sun?
As well as heat, the electrical demands placed on a car battery in the summer can take their toll too as motorists make greater use of in-car electrical equipment such as air conditioning, electric windows/sunroofs, electric hoods, televisions/DVD players, and stereo systems.
Furthermore, stop/start traffic jam conditions caused by more motorists taking to the road to enjoy sunny days can also wear batteries down quicker, as can leaving a car idle for a fortnight while motorists jet off on holiday.
All of these summer motoring factors can lead to early battery failure, and a cold winter morning can often be the final straw of a battery’s life.
With Kwik-Fit’s research also showing that nearly 12 million UK motorists (nearly half) never check the condition of their car batteries, and that flat batteries are responsible for 55% of all car breakdowns in the UK, the company is offering motorists peace of mind this winter by visiting their local Kwik-Fit centre for a free, no obligation battery check-up.
Doug McKenzie, marketing director at Kwik-Fit commented: “Many motorists might not be aware that, just as extremely cold weather can cause battery failure, so can hot conditions. That’s why we are offering motorist a free pre-winter battery check-up. Using our digital testing equipment it only takes us five minutes to diagnose the condition of a battery.”
Other results from Kwik-Fit’s research show that over 3.5 million motorists, the equivalent of 15% of all car owners, are at greater risk of breakdown since they run their car on a battery that exceeds the average five years, life expectancy.