TIA Petition on TPMS Rule
The Tire Industry Association (TIA) has submitted a petition for reconsideration with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) regarding the final rule on Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMSs).
“NHTSA has made what TIA believes to be a huge mistake and is moving backwards on the timeframe in which the telltale must illuminate upon sensing underinflation in a tyre,” states the petition. “NHTSA’s original proposal was that the telltale must go off within 10 minutes of sensing a problem with a tyire’s inflation. The final rule has moved backwards to 20 minutes. TIA is very concerned that this additional 10 minutes will allow an underinflated tyre to further deflate, overheat and potentially fail.”
The TIA took notice when NHSTA stated in the final rule, “Regarding the NPRM’s proposed 10 minute time period for low tyre pressure detection, vehicle manufacturers generally recommended extending that time period…” and responded, “TIA once again reminds the Agency that when tyres fail and consumers are injured, it will be the tyre industry that bares the brunt of the repercussions from the injured parties.”
The association also reiterated its objections to the TPMS trigger threshold, set at 25 per cent below recommended cold inflation pressure stating that level will not keep the motoring public safe. Also added were TIA’s comments on cost estimates for sensor straps, which TIA feels NHTSA has underestimated.