Balancing the Bias Against Retreads
Bandag has released a new wide-single trailer tyre range. The BTE2 is based on a polyvalent tread that the company claims surpasses the performance of its predecessor, the Bandag BZAW(E). In the company’s words: “the multipurpose design disproves any remaining bias against wide-single trailer tyre retreading.”
The BTE2 features four asymmetric grooves. According to the company, these are designed to facilitate stone ejection. One of the new products’ most saleable features is its versatility. Bandag claims that the tyre’s double-radius shoulder curves minimise rubber tearing, while at the same time providing shoulder protection and very regular wear patterns. The company even claims that its product can withstand occasional use in demanding or severe transport applications.
Because of this versatility, Bandag says that the BTE2 has been designed mainly for retreading premium casings and boasts that “with Bandag BTE2 on his trailer, the driver can simply forget about tyres.” The company also keen to highlight the possible cost savings associated with its product. For the company, the BTE2 “offers all-season performance and can, therefore, be used throughout the year. The fleet no longer needs to invest in separate sets of summer and winter tyres.”
Bandag believes that its product is not only performs as good as new tyres, but looks as good as new tyres. According to the company the only difference is a pleasant one – “the bottom line.”