MAM Forge e-business Links with Bridgestone.
MAM Software has developed new e-business links with Bridgestone UK. The manufacturer’s account holders will now be able to order stock directly over the Internet, without the need for faxes, telephones or third-party software.
The company’s Autopart management software will provide Bridgestone customers with the ability to check the prices and availability of all of its brands before raising and transmitting orders electronically, all within a matter of seconds.
Chris Fancy, MAM Software’s sales manager for tyre products added: “This saves considerable time when raising purchase orders. Orders are raised, validated and transmitted directly from within our software; users are no longer required to phone to check availability and fax their order through. The time saved on purchase ordering alone can translate to a significant cost reduction over the course of a year”.
Bridgestone believes that the new relationship will also help it achieve some key business objectives: “Two of the key constraints to gaining widespread adoption of our internet application, TyreLink, have been the success of our contact centre in very fast response to traditional communication flows, and secondly the waste in time for our customers to re-key orders” explains Martin Mather-Crane, Bridgestone’s customer services manager. “This new facility means we can receive orders directly into our own SAP system eradicating the need for re-keying and the subsequent opportunity for transcription errors.”