Marangoni Pneumatici a new name in OTR in the UK
Marangoni – in the UK the name Marangoni means little to the man in the street. To people in the tyre trade Marangoni in the UK means a quality mid-range tyre product, either as Marangoni or as Stunner from Group Tyre. Some may also be aware that Marangoni produce car and light truck retreads through their retread division Marangoni Pneumatici, headquartered at Rovereto in the North of Italy.
Marangoni’s car tyre retread plant at Feltre produces up to 1.25 million pieces per year that are sold throughout Europe. Brenno Benaglia, sales and marketing director for Marangoni Pneumatici is at pains to explain that there are no plans at all to enter the UK market with truck tyre retreads.
“It is not part of our business plan, it would create problems for our other operations if we were to take on our own customers in head to head competition.” However, the company will be exhibiting at the Hillhead Quarrying Exhibition with a view to introduce earthmover retreads. .