Corporate Sales of Continental Grow to Over 10 Billion Euro
The Continental Corporation boosted its sales in 2000 by 10.8 per cent to 10.1 billion Euro (prior year: 9,1 billion Euro).
All corporate Groups contributed to this result. Because of nonrecurring effects totalling 60 million Euro, the operating result (EBIT) was reduced to 432 million Euro (prior year: 511 million Euro). The result after tax amounts to 205 million Euro (prior year: 235 million Euro).
In comparison to the previous year the Continental Automotive Systems Group achieved a sales increase of 18.8 per cent to 3.02 billion Euro (prior year: 2.
54 billion Euro). Adjusted for exchange rate fluctuations and excluding effects from changes in the scope of consolidation, the hike amounted to 15.6 per cent.
The sales of ESP systems jumped by one million to 1.4 million units. The result was significantly improved.
The Passenger Tire Group – including controlled distribution – posted sales of 2,64 billion Euro. This is equivalent to a rise of 3.6 per cent compared to the previous year.
The result situation in the tire trading sector was very unsatisfactory. Far-reaching restructuring measures, in particular in the United Kingdom, burdened the result with nonrecurring costs of 60 million Euro. The Commercial Vehicle Tire Group increased its sales compared to the previous year by 11.
1 per cent to 976 million Euro. The Continental Tire North America Group (formally Continental General Tire) stepped up its sales compared to the previous year by 18.0 per cent to 1.
76 billion Euro. Adjusted for fluctuation in exchange rates, sales edged up by 2.4 per cent.
The results of the tire business were considerably burdened by the increased material costs with the simultaneous price pressure in the tire markets. Despite this difficult situation, market shares could be retained altogether. All sectors of the tire business recorded pleasing growths in unit sales.
The ContiTech Group advanced its sales compared to the corresponding period of the previous year by 4.2 per cent to 1.79 billion Euro.
Disregarding changes in the scope of consolidation the increase amounts to 5.7 per cent. Sales were upped both in the business with the automotive industry and with the other key customer groups.