Lead Balance Weights To Be Banned?
In Europe, the Conciliation Committee and representatives of the European Parliament recently agreed on the final content of the End Of Life Vehicle Directive (ELV). One part of the ELV is concerned with the amounts of different metals used in car manufacturing and the aim is to phase out materials such as lead, cadmium and mercury in vehicles which enter the market after 1st July 2003. However, there are a number of exceptions to this ban, including lead used in alloys (although the lead content is specified), lead in batteries and in petrol tank coatings, among other applications.
When it comes to lead wheel balance weights, these have not been exempted and so, as the ELV stands at the moment, lead balance weights will be banned on new vehicles coming into Europe from 1st July 2003. The ban also applies to plastic-coated lead weights. At the moment, it is unclear whether any ban would extend to the replacement market.
The ban is not yet part of European legislation; the agreed ELV text will shortly be submitted to the next Plenary session of the European Parliament and from there to the Council, who will vote on adoption of the Directive. This process could be completed during this summer..