Fire At Michelin Warehouse
A fire has taken place in an underground warehouse at Michelin’s Cataroux tyre manufacturing plant in Clermont-Ferrand, France. The warehouse contained approximately 1,300 tonnes of synthetic rubber and was brought under control by around one hundred firemen from both Michelin and the Clermont-Ferrand Council brigades with five fire-fighters receiving minimal injuries. The fire created a smoke cloud that mainly comprised of rubber burning soot’s but it has been confirmed that there is no toxic risk from the fire.
Production has already resumed and is back to full capacity apart from activities in the rubber compound manufacturing workshop. As the plant is fully insured it is not anticipated that the fire will cause any financial problems but it has caused concern among some groups, such as ‘green’ activists. They have expressed fears about health and safety aspects and are not reassured by statements from Michelin that there is no risk to workers or the local community.